Learning PlatformsA DRAFT in seesaw means,
"I am not finished; please do not grade my assignment." Be careful when submit your work! When you are submitting a picture of your work, take a picture on your iPad first, then upload it to SeeSaw. That way if you submit it to the wrong place, it is easier to resubmit it. There are folders for art and music work. Work submitted to the incorrect location will receive no credit until it is submitted to the correct folder on SeeSaw. I do not look in your journal for work. |
You will have until the next class (work due for 5th grade is due Tuesdays or before) to complete classwork.
Work submitted late will be penalized 10%; any work submitted after the second week will not receive credit. A zero is entered in PowerSchool, as a placeholder, for any missing assignment. Exceptions will be announced and made for extended assignments and absences due to illness. |